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    Due to COVID-19 all event requests will need to be reviewed on a case by case basis and attendance can only go ahead if in line with government guidelines. The Outreach team may offer a virtual delivery for some sessions. please email schoolsliaison@harper-adams.ac.uk if you wish to discuss our outreach opportunities during this time.

    Harper Adams’ outreach team offers a range of activities for all schools and colleges. The menu of activity is categorised to Key Stages and includes a wide range of options from general HE advice, to more subject specific sessions.

    We can offer varied delivery methods from pre-recorded sessions, virtual live streams and in school/college sessions. All of our sessions can also be delivered on campus to create a campus visit or we can work with you to create a bespoke visit to campus with tailored sessions.

    To book in a session or to enquire further, please browse the outreach menus below, under the Key Stage headings, and then contact us via the .

    Please note, we will need at least 4 weeks’ notice to arrange a campus visit. If you can provide as much information as possible in the form that will help with planning for your request. The outreach team will be busier during the months of March – July, but we will endeavour to meet your request.

    Children's University

    We are now validated as a Children's University Learning Destination, to find out more about the Children's University validation please visit the

    Contact us

    You can also contact us via schoolsliaison@harper-adams.ac.uk or on 01952 815044.

    Downloadable education packs

    Below you will find a number of downloadable curriculum linked work packs. Each pack is linked to our ‘degrees that matter’ but also to core national curriculum subjects, within each pack you can find out more about direct curriculum links. The packs have been designed to allow students to read and understand current research around the areas and then complete a number of activities linking to the topics covered. There is a range of activities from games, to experiments. We want to inspire students to think about the wider applications of core subjects such as biology and food and to help inform them of the exciting opportunities within these sectors.

    If you would like to stay in touch and get notifications when new or updated packs become available sign up to our .

    We can also deliver some of these activities and topics in the classroom face to face and also virtually. If this is something you would be interested in please email schoolsliaison@harper-adams.ac.uk.


    The resources below are best suited to a primary school environment. Be sure to take note of the crest award opportunities within these:


    The resources below are best suited to a secondary school environment:

    For more information on these downloads, or if you'd like them in a different format, please contact schoolsliaison@harper-adams.ac.uk

    Physical outreach sessions

    All the below sessions can be delivered by one of our outreach staff coming into your classroom.

    Key stage 2 - Outreach menu sessions
    Half the world to eat your breakfast

    Half the world to eat your breakfast?

    Using our Martin Luther King Breakfast video as a key resource, this session gives pupils the opportunity to explore the different courses and, ultimately, careers that are involved in the process of getting food on your table. 


    1 hour

    Age group

    Can be tailored to all age groups

    Lego University

    Lego University

    The first introduction to what a University is and why people go. Pupils will learn what important parts make up a University campus, including halls of residence, lecture theatres, sports facilities, canteens and the students union. In groups they will then build their own area of a university and put all team efforts together at the close of the session to create a large scale Lego University.


    1.5 hours

    Age group

    Can be tailored to all age groups

    Crazy courses

    Crazy Courses

    A more in-depth look in to university and what people can study there. Varieties of courses are looked at, including a focus on careers that require a degree. Pupils will then create their own made-up university course. This session encourages full creativity.


    1.5 hours

    Age group

    Years 5 - 6

    Granny Marmalade

    Granny Marmalade

    An interactive reading of extracts from Granny Marmalade and Uncle Tractor, taking the children on a journey through farming seasons. The session explores food and will encourage them to take more of an interest in what they eat and where their food comes from.


    1 hour

    Age group

    Can be tailored to all age groups

    Key stage 3 - 5 - Outreach menu sessions
    Half the world to eat your breakfast

    Half the world to eat your breakfast?

    Using our Martin Luther King Breakfast video as a key resource, this session gives pupils the opportunity to explore the different courses and, ultimately, careers that are involved in the process of getting food on your table. 


    1 hour

    Age group

    Can be tailored to all age groups

    All about Harper

    All about Harper

    A presentation that covers everything your pupils needs to know about 51Æ·²è at this stage in their education. The presentation covers what Harper is about, what courses we offer, what the entry requirements are and how to find out more about us.


    45 minutes

    Age group

    Can be tailored to all age groups

    Subject specifics

    Subject specifics

    A presentation that introduces Harper Adams, but with a focus on certain subject areas based on your requirements. The presentations will look at entry requirements, work experience specifics, course content, placement year opportunities and career prospects.


    30 minutes - 1.5 hours

    Age group

    Can be tailored to all age groups and subject areas

    Student life

    Student life talk

    Student life talks give students the opportunity to meet current students at Harper Adams. It gives them the chance to see what its really like, students can give examples of the pathways they took to get to university, information on the course they are studying and general information about the student life in general.


    1 hour

    Age group

    Can be tailored to all age groups

    Student Finance

    Student finance mythbuster

    This presentation looks at student finance in depth. It details what it is, how you get it, what you can get and how you pay it back. It also looks at maintenance loans and scholarships.


    1 hour

    Age group

    Can be tailored to all age groups

    Budgeting at University

    Budgeting at University

    This interactive session focuses around budgeting money whilst at University. Focuses on meal plans and healthy eating, the session requires students to figure out their best weekly meal plan within budget.


    1 hour

    Age group

    Can be tailored to all age groups

    Careers fairs

    Careers fairs

    If you are hosting a careers/HE fair at your school/college and would like Harper Adams to be there, please let us know.

    UCAS exhibitions

    UCAS exhibitions

    During the Spring/Summer months we attend the majority of UCAS exhibitions across the UK. Please check our events page to find out which exhibition closest to you that we are attending and come along to see us.

    Virtual actvities

    All of our sessions can fit any of these three formats, so when requesting a session, please let us know which format you require:

    Pre-recorded download

    • A full session which you will download and play to your class at your convenience.
    • Session options can be a 5-minute video, to a 1 hour video with activity, depending on your choice.
    • Fully flexible to your timings.
    • Numerous videos can be edited together for you to fill longer time slots if required.

    Pre recorded download with live chat

    A full session which you will download and play to your class whilst engaging in an online chat forum with a member of the outreach team.

    • Session options can be a 5- minute video, to a 1 hour video with activity, depending on your choice.
    • Set timings would be required and booked in with the outreach team.
    • Computers or phones (if allowed) might be needed for students to engage, unless teachers run the chat function.

    Virtual Presentation

    • Session options can be a 5-minute video, to a 1 hour video with activity, depending on your choice.
    • This format also includes the option to have a chat forum
    • Some sessions might require teachers to play additional video resources alongside the session to avoid technical lags.
    • Computers or phones (if allowed) might be needed for students to engage, unless teachers run the chat function.
    Visit Harper Adams
    Campus visits

    Campus visits

    Want to see us in person? We can create bespoke visits to Harper Adams for your students. Visit days can include a mixture of campus tours, general university talk, course talk, student life talk, interactive IAG sessions.


    Up to 60 students

    Age group

    Can be tailored to all age groups


    From 10am to 2pm

    Open Days

    Open days

    Open days give students and families the opportunity to explore the campus, accommodation and courses. They are immersive and informative days on campus. We can take school bookings for open days so please email schoolsliaison@harper-adams.ac.uk if this is something you would like to look at.

    Age group

    All ages welcome

    Harper Adams Experience

    Harper Adams Experience

    A 2 day immersive experience on campus, staying in our halls of residence and participating in a range of activities covering everything from sports and societies to the academic taster sessions for our course areas.



    Age group

    16 - 17 only

    Teachers and Advisors conference

    Teachers and Advisors conference

    For the teachers and careers advisors. Our FREE annual conference arms you with all the information and facts about Harper Adams courses, campus, teaching, admissions, support and facilities etc ready to properly inform students back at school/college. Please check the events page for further details including dates and how to book.

    Cookies on 51Æ·²è website

    We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. If you continue without changing your settings, we'll assume that you are happy to receive all cookies on the website. However, you can change your cookie settings at any time.