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Posted 15 January 2024
Kildare Trust Trustees and Scholars at the 2023 Scholarship event – back, from left are: Geoff Probert, Martin Needham, Chairman Ian Smith, and Anthony Champion. Students in front row, from left: Harry Davies, Libby Barrett, Samuel Withers-Lewis, Millie Jones, Martha Williams and Lily Layton.
A £750,000 philanthropic gift from the Kildare Charitable Trust is set to support Harper Adams students from two West Midlands counties through scholarships.
The Trust was set up by farmers and philanthropists Jim and Phyllis Richards, and has already supported more than 50 undergraduate Harper Adams students from Herefordshire and Worcestershire through scholarships since 2012.
With the significant new funds, yet more students’ studies at the University are set to be transformed.
For the first time, the new scholarships enabled by the fund will not only be open to undergraduate students from the two counties – but also to students across other courses Harper Adams offers, such as Postgraduate Degrees and Apprenticeships.
Harper Adams Director of Development and Alumni Relations, Doris Taylor, said: “We are immensely grateful for the wonderful support given by the Kildare Charitable Trust to 51Æ·²è and our students.
“As the Director of Development, I have a close, personal engagement with each of the students who receive a Scholarship from the Trust – we speak with each applicant about their studies, their motivation for coming to Harper, and about what the Scholarship will mean to them.
“That role offers me the privilege to get to know each of our Kildare scholars and their individual journeys, as well as the difference the Trust’s support makes to them all throughout their time at university and beyond, by providing them with financial support and a boost in confidence at the start of their chosen careers.
“Since 2012, these Scholarships have helped 51 students from Herefordshire and Worcestershire – and I look forward to them helping many, many more.”
The Trust has not only supported students at Harper Adams through its Scholarships – but also through the Development of the University estate – with funds for equipment for the Harper Adams Future Farm as well as the Kildare Lecture Theatre in the University’s Veterinary Education Centre.
Harper Adams Vice-Chancellor Professor Ken Sloan said: “The Kildare Charitable Trust has been a generous and supportive partner of Harper Adams for many years, and we are hugely appreciative of their support.
“That support is not only for people – in the form of the many, many Scholars the Trust has supported through their studies and into industry – but can also be seen in the buildings and equipment which the Trust has helped fund here at Harper Adams.
“Our new strategy is called Together, We Will Make the Difference – and through our partnership and the far-sighted vision of the Kildare Trust, we will continue to live up to the impact of that promise together.”
Kildare Trust Trustee Geoff Probert added: “The Trustees of the Kildare Trust are very pleased to have created the Kildare Scholarship which will now remain for generations to come.
“Mrs Phyllis Richards, who during her 100-year lifetime created the legacy to form the trust, was indeed a very driven and forward-thinking business lady.
“Harper Adams was always at the top of her list for moulding the next generation of farmers and associated land-based careers.
“The way Doris Taylor and her team deliver our goal with Harper is always second to none. As trustees we look forward to a long association with the team at 51Æ·²è."
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