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    Short Courses/CPD

    Knapsack & Handheld Sprayer Maintenance

    Duration     ½ day

    Delivery Method face to face pratical

    Cost £160 / person (discounts for group bookings)

    Recognised by N/A

    Recertification Period Recommend 5 years

    Pre requisites Safe use of Pesticides & Handheld Applicator

    Introduction This is generic course which along with the operators manual will provide users the knowledge to complete maintence & serivicing

    Overview in brief as a user of pesticides it is very important to insure that your equipment is safe, fully calibrated, & in good working order. This is why Outlook Training,Greenscope Training & 51Æ·²è collaborated to design this course with a view to prolonging the life of your equipment, insure correct application and to save you time & money

    The Finer Details

    This course is avalible for learners aged 16+ who hold a Safe Use of Pesticided & a Handheld Application of Pesticides qualifications.

    You’ll develop the knowledge to maintain & service handheld pesticide applicators

    Prolong the life of your equipment

    Help protect the eniviroment by using trusted equipment

    Who should attend?

    Users & anyone who is responcible for insuring that the handheld spraying equipment that they use is fit for purpose.

    What will be covered?

    By the end of the course attendees will have gained the knowledge & understanding to:-

    • Strip dowm the srayer.
    • Identify parts that are damaged / broken that need replacing.
    • Safe working practices & personal safety.
    • Reduce the risk of incorrect / off target application.
    • Enables companies to insure compliance with The Provision& Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998.
    • There is also the added benefit that the equipment will last longer & will be more cost effective than replacing the whole sprayer.

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